Choosing the right alarm system for your business can be overwhelming. You may be surprised by the number of products and services available when it comes to securing your building. Assured Security helps you avoid spending too much (or not enough!) on an alarm system by taking the time to determine your unique security needs. We’ve listed out our process to help you choose the right alarm system for your business.
Determine the Type of Alarm System
The type of alarm system a company needs typically depends on the size of the building, number of locations, and extent of features being used. We never sell cookie-cutter packages to boost our bottom line. We walk through your entire facility and help you determine exactly what needs to be monitored and secured.
Professional Alarm Installation
Once an alarm system is determined, we provide comprehensive and professional installation services. For most small businesses with a single location, wireless installation is quick, easy, and affordable. If you have robust needs, such as several users, zones, and sensors, or multiple locations, a more extensive installation may be required. This is usually due to advanced equipment and/or a combination of hardwire and wireless solutions.
Custom Alarm Solutions
We understand every business is different. We provide custom, scalable solutions that fit your unique budget and needs. Pricing considerations include:
• Base price includes the mobile app and alarm monitoring
• Additional items are ala carte based on your needs
• We will quote the price of taking over alarm monitoring if you have a current company
Assured Security provides custom alarm and security solutions in the Twin Cities metro. We make sure each client is fully trained on our alarm system capabilities and provide exceptional service. Contact our team of alarm professionals to get a quote for securing your business today!